- Blue Tongue Skinks
- $700.00
- Sex: Female Age: 7 Months Specie: Northern Blue Tongued Skink Preferred Diet: Green Beans, Collard Greens, Dandelion Greens, Mustard Greens.
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- Isopods
Firefly Isopods For Sale
- $34.99
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- Bearded Dragons
- $500.00
- Age: 10 Months Sex: Male Morph: Hypo Zero Prefered Diet: Veggies and Crickets
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- Bearded Dragons
- $650.00
- Age: 10 Months Sex: Male Morph: Red Monster Prefered Diet: Veggies and Crickets
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- Tortoise
- $500.00
- Age: 13 Months Sex: Female Specie: Leopard Tortoise Preferred Diet: Grass and Fruits
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- Tortoises
Giant Hermanns Tortoise Trio For Sale
- $899.99
- WE HAVE A GIANT HERMANNS TORTOISE TRIO #1 FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Testudo hermanni Farm Bred Male Is Approximately 8 Inches In Total Shell Length Female #1 Is Approximately 7 Inches In Total Shell Length Female #2 Is Approximately 7 Inches In Total Shell Length As Adults These Can Grow Up To 7 – 9 Inches In Shell Length Feeding…
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- Turtles
Giant Mata Mata Turtle For Sale
- $349.99
- WE HAVE GIANT MATA MATA TURTLE FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Chelus fimbriata Field Collected Approximately 12 – 14 Inches In Shell Length Adults Can Reach Up To A Whopping 18 Inches And Weigh As Much As 33lbs Feeding On Silverside Fish, Crickets And Worms FUN FACTS! Naturally Occurring Out Of South America In The Amazon And Orinoco Basins…
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- Crested Gecko, Geckos, Lizards
Gran Terre Leachianus Gecko For Sale
- $449.99
- WE HAVE Gran Terre Leachianus Gecko FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Rhacodactylus leachianus Captive Bred Baby Approximately 3 Inches From Snout To Vent Adults Can Grow Upwards Of 12 – 15 Inches From Head To Tail Feeding On Pangea Crested Gecko Diet And Crickets
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- Iguanas, Lizards
Grand Cayman Blue Iguana For Sale
- $599.99
- WE HAVE GRAND CAYMAN BLUE IGUANA FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Cyclura lewisi Hybrid Captive Bred Approximately 12 – 14 Inches From Head To Tail Adults Are Averaging In Sizes Around 4-5 Feet In Length Feeding On Vitamin Dusted Vegetables, Fruits, Greens And Iguana Diet FUN FACTS! This Is An Extremely Smart Species That Makes For An Awesome Pet…
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- Ananconda, Snakes
Green Anaconda For Sale
- $1,200.00
- (Eunectes murinus) Also called the giant emerald emerald snake, common anaconda, also known as common sucuri or water boa, is a boa species within South America. This is one of the most massive and the most long known snake species. There are no Subspecies are known at present. Like all boas is not a venomous constrictor. “Anaconda” is a term used to describe the snake ” anaconda” typically…
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- Iguanas, Lizards
Green Iguana For Sale
- $450.00
- We have a stunning selection of amazing Green Iguanas to be sold from baby iguanas to huge adults (see the drop-down menu to the right). The reptiles that are well-known as tropical are farm-bred, and very healthy. The Green Iguana have the possibility of becoming long-lived, gentle giants. Their diet is totally vegetarian, meaning that feeding them is easy and affordable. Adults can…
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- Iguanas, Lizards
Green Iguana For Sale
- $100.00
- We have a stunning selection of amazing Green Iguanas to be sold from baby iguanas to huge adults (see the drop-down menu to the right). The reptiles that are well-known as tropical are farm-bred, and very healthy. The Green Iguana have the possibility of becoming long-lived, gentle giants. Their diet is totally vegetarian, meaning that feeding them is easy and affordable. Adults can…
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