Age: 13 Months
Sex: Female
Specie: Leopard Tortoise
Preferred Diet: Grass and Fruits
leopard tortoise for sale habits and Lifestyle
This species is not particularly social. Males will determine dominance through fighting, however, such dominance does not decide much more than access to a certain female. A leopard tortoise’s day is mostly taken up with eating and resting. Their back legs are trunk-like and their front legs are paddle shaped and they have “pigeon-toes” with a row of little “nails”. These legs enable them to move very fast and maneuver easily over rocky terrain. Typically slow movers, they can sprint when startled or scared. They can also climb and can float and swim slowly due to the sizeable lung space in their large, domed shell that allows buoyancy. They have well-developed and good eyesight. A tortoise will hiss when it is scared, but the sound isn’t always from its mouth. When it quickly pulls it head and limbs into its shell, this forces all the air from their lungs, which may cause a hiss.

leopard tortoise for sale Mating Habits
Leopard tortoises are monogamous and breed only with one partner per year during the mating season. Males and females both become increasingly aggressive when they are looking for a mate, fighting by butting and ramming their rivals. This species breeds from May until October. After mating, a female digs a hole from 100 to 300 mm deep in the ground, where she will lay her frail, white, spherical eggs. Incubation is for 9 to 12 months, varying according to the location, temperature, and precipitation. 5 to 7 clutches may be produced in one breeding season, around 3 to 4 weeks apart, with 5 to 30 eggs per clutch, with larger females laying more. Once the eggs are laid, the mother covers them up and leaves. Hatchlings are independent immediately upon emerging. Leopard tortoises reach maturity at five years old.
Age: 13 Months
Sex: Female
Specie: Leopard Tortoise
Prefered Diet: Grass and Fruits
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