Keylime Monkey Tail Skink For Sale


  • Corucia zebrata
  • Farm Bred
  • Approximately 9 – 10 Inches In Length From Head To Tail
  • Adults Can Reach Up To Lengths Of 32 Inches In Total
  • These Are Voracious Foragers Feeding On Fresh Fruits And Vegetables


  • These Skinks Have Prehensile Tails Meaning They Can Grip And Grab Things With Their Tails
  • Gorgeous Animals Not Frequently Seen Here At Underground Covered In Rich Green And Brown Patterns Giving Them Perfect Camouflage
  • Naturally Occurring Out Of The Solomon Islands
  • Females Are Viviparous Meaning That They Bear Live Young
  • With Proper Care These Can Live More Than 20 Years In Captivity


The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink, scientifically known as Corucia zebrata, is an intriguing reptile species that captivates enthusiasts and researchers alike. Commonly referred to as the Solomon Islands Skink or the Giant Monkey Tail Skink, this species is renowned for its distinctive physical attributes, most notably its vibrant green coloration and unique prehensile tail. These features not only set it apart from other skinks but also play crucial roles in its arboreal lifestyle.

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink exhibits a striking appearance with its bright green scales, which often have a glossy sheen. This coloration provides excellent camouflage amidst the lush foliage of its native habitat, aiding in its survival. Its large, expressive eyes and relatively broad head further distinguish it from other skink species. However, the most fascinating characteristic is undoubtedly its prehensile tail, which allows it to grasp and maneuver through tree branches with remarkable agility and precision.

Native to the Solomon Islands, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink thrives in tropical rainforest environments where it leads an arboreal existence. This skink is predominantly found inhabiting the dense canopies and mid-levels of trees, rarely descending to the forest floor. Its arboreal nature is facilitated by its strong limbs and prehensile tail, enabling it to navigate the complex vertical landscape of its habitat with ease.

The Solomon Islands, comprising a chain of islands in the South Pacific, provide the ideal setting for the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink. The region’s warm, humid climate and abundant vegetation create a perfect environment for these skinks to flourish. As a result, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink has adapted to a life spent predominantly in the trees, where it can find ample food and avoid many ground-dwelling predators.

Natural Habitat and Distribution

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink, scientifically known as Corucia zebrata, is indigenous to the lush, tropical forests of the Solomon Islands. This unique skink thrives in a specific type of environment characterized by dense vegetation and a warm, humid climate. The Solomon Islands, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, provide an abundant and suitable habitat for this species due to their rich biodiversity and consistent climatic conditions.

The forests of the Solomon Islands are predominantly tropical rainforests, which offer the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink ample cover and a plethora of food sources. These rainforests are characterized by tall, broad-leaved evergreen trees, dense underbrush, and a layered canopy that creates a humid and shaded understory. The consistent rainfall and high humidity levels are critical for maintaining the skink’s preferred habitat conditions, as they contribute to the lush vegetation and availability of moisture.

Within this environment, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink exhibits arboreal tendencies, often found dwelling high in the trees. The dense foliage provides not only a rich food supply, including fruits, leaves, and flowers, but also essential shelter from predators. The skink’s prehensile tail, a distinctive feature, aids in navigating and stabilizing itself amongst the branches, enhancing its arboreal lifestyle.

The ecological factors influencing the habitat of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink also play a significant role in its behavior and survival strategies. The skink’s reliance on the forest canopy for both food and protection necessitates a highly adapted lifestyle. Its diet, primarily herbivorous, consists of various plant materials found within its habitat, supporting its nutritional needs. Furthermore, the skink’s behavior is closely tied to the diurnal cycle, with activity patterns largely dictated by the availability of light and the relative safety of the canopy.

Overall, the natural habitat of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is integral to its survival, providing the necessary resources and environmental conditions to thrive. Understanding the specific requirements of this habitat is crucial for conservation efforts, ensuring that the delicate balance of the Solomon Islands’ ecosystems is maintained for the continued existence of this fascinating species.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is an intriguing reptile, known for its distinctive physical characteristics and captivating behavior. This skink typically reaches a length of 24 to 32 inches, with a robust body and a particularly long, muscular tail. The tail is not just lengthy but also prehensile, meaning it can grasp and hold onto branches, aiding in its arboreal lifestyle. This adaptation is essential for climbing and navigating through the dense foliage of its natural habitat.

The coloration of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is another remarkable feature. It exhibits a vibrant green hue, which provides excellent camouflage among the leaves and branches. This base color is often interspersed with darker, almost black markings that can vary in pattern among individuals. These markings not only enhance its camouflage but also add to its aesthetic appeal.

Behaviorally, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is diurnal, meaning it is active during the day. It spends much of its time basking in the sunlight, which is crucial for thermoregulation and metabolic functions. Socially, these skinks exhibit a fascinating structure; they are generally seen in pairs or small groups, indicating a social inclination. Interactions among these groups are characterized by gentle nuzzling and grooming behaviors, which help strengthen social bonds.

One of the unique behaviors of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is its method of locomotion. It moves with a deliberate, almost cautious manner, utilizing its prehensile tail to maintain balance and stability. This careful movement is particularly evident when navigating thin branches or dense foliage. Feeding habits of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink are equally interesting. It primarily consumes a diet of leaves, fruits, and flowers, showing a preference for softer, easily digestible plant matter. Occasionally, it may also consume insects or other small invertebrates, adding a degree of omnivorous behavior to its primarily herbivorous diet.

Diet and Feeding Habits

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is a herbivorous reptile with a diet that primarily consists of a diverse array of fruits, leaves, and flowers. Occasionally, it supplements its diet with insects, providing a balanced intake of nutrients essential for its health. In its natural habitat, this skink demonstrates remarkable foraging skills, utilizing its dexterous limbs and strong tail to navigate through dense foliage in search of food. The skink’s ability to climb and maneuver through trees enables it to access a wide variety of plant matter, which forms the bulk of its diet.

A significant portion of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink’s diet includes fruits such as berries, bananas, and figs. These fruits not only provide essential vitamins and minerals but also offer hydration, which is crucial in their often humid environments. Leaves from various plants are another staple in their diet, providing necessary fiber and aiding in digestion. Flowers, rich in nectar, supply additional nutrients and sometimes serve as a source of protein when insects are scarce. The occasional consumption of insects, such as beetles and caterpillars, ensures that the skink receives adequate protein and other micronutrients that are less abundant in plant matter.

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink has developed several adaptations that facilitate its feeding habits. For example, its sharp, serrated teeth are well-suited for tearing through tough plant fibers, while its keen sense of smell aids in locating ripe fruits and blossoms. Additionally, its prehensile tail acts as a fifth limb, providing stability and support as it forages high in the canopy.

Meeting the nutritional requirements of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is vital for its overall health and wellbeing. A balanced diet rich in diverse plant materials ensures the skink maintains a healthy digestive system and robust immune function. The inclusion of occasional insects adds variety and nutritional depth, contributing to the skink’s vitality and longevity. Proper diet management is crucial for those keeping these skinks in captivity, mirroring their natural dietary patterns as closely as possible to promote optimal health.

Reproduction and Lifespan

The reproductive behaviors of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink are as fascinating as they are intricate. These skinks engage in unique mating rituals that include a series of complex behaviors such as head bobbing and tail waving. Once a pair has successfully mated, the female enters a gestation period that typically lasts around six to eight months. Unlike many reptiles, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs, a process known as viviparity.

On average, a female Keylime Monkey Tail Skink will give birth to one to three offspring per reproductive cycle. These young skinks are relatively well-developed at birth, which allows them to quickly adapt to their environment. Parental care is another noteworthy aspect of their reproductive behavior. Both parents are known to exhibit protective behaviors towards their young, ensuring their safety and helping them acclimate during their early stages of life.

The lifespan of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink varies considerably between the wild and captivity. In their natural habitat, these skinks can live up to 10-15 years, although various factors such as predation, habitat loss, and environmental conditions can influence their longevity. In captivity, where threats are minimized and care is optimized, they can live even longer, sometimes reaching up to 20 years. As with many species, the quality of care and living conditions play a significant role in determining their overall lifespan.

Understanding the reproductive and lifespan patterns of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink not only highlights the complexity of their life cycle but also underscores the importance of habitat preservation and responsible pet ownership. By ensuring optimal conditions and protection, we can contribute to the prolonged survival and well-being of this remarkable species.

Conservation Status and Threats

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink (Corucia zebrata) is a remarkable species that has garnered attention due to its unique characteristics and ecological significance. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is currently classified as Vulnerable. This designation highlights the species’ precarious position in the wild, signaling the need for urgent conservation measures to ensure its survival.

One of the primary threats to the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is habitat destruction. As human populations expand, natural habitats are being converted into agricultural land, urban areas, and infrastructure projects. This loss of habitat not only reduces the available living space for the skinks but also fragments their populations, making it difficult for them to find mates and maintain genetic diversity.

Climate change is another significant threat. Alterations in temperature and precipitation patterns can disrupt the delicate balance of the skink’s ecosystem, affecting their food sources and breeding cycles. The increasing frequency of extreme weather events, such as cyclones and droughts, further exacerbates these challenges, placing additional stress on the species.

Illegal pet trade poses a grave danger to the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink. Despite protective regulations, these skinks are often captured and sold as exotic pets, depleting wild populations and undermining conservation efforts. The demand for these unique reptiles in the pet market continues to drive illicit activities, threatening their survival in the wild.

Several conservation programs and initiatives have been established to protect the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink. These efforts include habitat restoration projects, legal protection measures, and public awareness campaigns. Organizations are working tirelessly to monitor skink populations, enforce anti-poaching laws, and educate communities about the importance of conserving this species.

The importance of conservation cannot be overstated. Protecting the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink and its habitat is crucial for maintaining biodiversity and ensuring the health of our ecosystems. Individuals can contribute by supporting conservation organizations, advocating for stronger wildlife protection laws, and avoiding the purchase of exotic pets sourced from the wild. Through collective action, we can help safeguard the future of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink and the myriad of other species that share its environment.

Keeping Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks as Pets

Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks, known for their vibrant coloration and unique tail morphology, make captivating pets for reptile enthusiasts. However, they require specific care to thrive in captivity. Creating a suitable enclosure is paramount. These skinks need a spacious terrarium, ideally 40 gallons or larger, to accommodate their active nature. Vertical space is equally important, as they enjoy climbing. The enclosure should maintain a temperature gradient of 75-85°F, with a basking spot reaching up to 95°F to mimic their natural habitat.

Humidity levels are crucial for Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks, with an optimal range of 60-80%. This can be achieved through regular misting and the inclusion of a large water dish. Vegetation within the terrarium not only provides necessary cover but also helps maintain humidity. Live plants such as pothos and ficus are excellent choices. Additionally, branches and vines should be incorporated to encourage climbing and natural behaviors.

The diet of Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks should be varied to ensure proper nutrition. They are primarily herbivorous, thriving on a diet of leafy greens, fruits, and occasional protein sources such as insects. Calcium and vitamin supplements are vital to prevent deficiencies and should be dusted on their food periodically. It is crucial to monitor their feeding habits and adjust their diet accordingly to maintain their health.

Handling Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks requires patience and gentleness. They can be skittish initially, but with regular, calm interaction, they often become more accustomed to human presence. It is important to support their body fully during handling to avoid stress or injury.

Common health issues in Keylime Monkey Tail Skinks include metabolic bone disease, respiratory infections, and parasitic infestations. Regular veterinary check-ups and maintaining proper husbandry practices can help mitigate these risks. Prospective owners should source these skinks from reputable breeders or rescue organizations to ensure ethical and healthy acquisitions. Additionally, it is essential to check local regulations regarding the ownership of exotic reptiles, as laws may vary by region.

Interesting Facts and Myths

The Keylime Monkey Tail Skink, scientifically known as Corucia zebrata, is a unique and fascinating reptile native to the Solomon Islands. This rare species is known for its distinctive prehensile tail, which it uses to grasp branches and navigate through the dense forests. One intriguing fact about the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is its remarkable social behavior. Unlike many other reptiles, these skinks are highly social and often live in familial groups, displaying complex social interactions and bonds.

Another fascinating aspect of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is its herbivorous diet. Unlike their carnivorous relatives, these skinks primarily feed on leaves, fruits, and flowers. This dietary preference not only sets them apart but also plays a crucial role in their ecosystem, as they help in seed dispersal and vegetation management. Furthermore, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink exhibits a unique form of viviparity, giving birth to live young rather than laying eggs, which is relatively rare among reptiles.

Despite their captivating nature, several myths and misconceptions surround the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink. One common myth is that these skinks are aggressive and dangerous to humans. In reality, they are generally docile and prefer to avoid confrontation. Another misconception is that their prehensile tail can regenerate if lost. Unlike some lizards, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink’s tail does not regenerate, making it vital for them to protect this essential limb.

Culturally, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink holds significance among the indigenous peoples of the Solomon Islands. They are often featured in local folklore and are considered symbols of agility and adaptability. Some stories even attribute mystical powers to these skinks, believing them to be guardians of the forest. These cultural narratives add an extra layer of intrigue to the already fascinating world of the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink.

Overall, the Keylime Monkey Tail Skink is a remarkable species with a wealth of interesting characteristics and cultural importance. By debunking myths and sharing lesser-known facts, we can better appreciate and protect these unique reptiles in their natural habitat.


Keylime Monkey Tail Skink
Keylime Monkey Tail Skink