- Tortoises
Red Phase Greek Tortoise For Sale
- $1,499.99
- WE HAVE AN EXTREMELY RARE Red Phase Greek Tortoise FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Testudo graeca Also Known As The “Mesopotamian Tortoise” Field Collected Approximately 5 – 6 Inches In Shell Length Adults Are Growing To Sizes Of 7 – 8+ Inches In Shell Length Voracious Little Foragers Feeding On Fresh Veggies, Fresh Greens, Mixed Vegetables, And Fruits FUN…
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- Snakes, Venomous
Rinkhals Spitting Cobra For Sale
- $499.99
- WE HAVE Rinkhals Spitting Cobra FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Hemachatus haemachatus Also Called The Ring-Necked Spitting Cobra Captive Bred Approximately 24 – 36 Inches Can Grow Up To 3 – 5 Feet Feeding On Rat Pups or Rat Crawlers Regularly *These Are Venomous. Please Know Your State Laws Before Inquiring As Some States Require Venomous Permits* FUN FACTS!…
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- Bearded Dragons
- $350.00
- Age: 7 Months Sex: Female Morph: Hypo Zero Preferred Diet: Veggies and Crickets
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- Geckos
- $250.00
- Morph : Tangrine Stripe Dob : 21.5.24 Sex : Male
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- Bearded Dragons
- $250.00
- Age: 3 Months Sex: Male Morph: Hypo Zero Preferred Diet: Veggies and Crickets
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- Cornsnake, Snakes
Scaleless Caramel Het Motley Cornsnake for sale
- $499.99
- WE HAVE C.B. BABY SCALELESS CARAMEL HET MOTLEY CORNSNAKES FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Pantherophis guttatus Captive Bred Approximately 11 – 12 Inches In Length Adults Will Grow To 4 – 5 Feet On Average These Are Diurnal Hunters Eating Live And Frozen/Thawed Pinky Mice Or Pinky Mice Parts FUN FACTS! This Is A Scaleless Phase Cornsnake. This Classic…
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- Ball Pythons, Snakes
Scaleless Head Pied Ball Python For Sale
- $899.99
- WE HAVE ASCALELESS HEAD PIED BALL PYTHON FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Python regius Snake was produced from Scaleless Head Pied X Enchi Pied Captive Bred 2021 Approximately 14 – 16 Inches In Length Roughly 38 Grams And Growing When Hatching Out Of The Egg They Can Be As Small As 10 Inches And Grow To Be 5 Feet…
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- Hognose, Snakes
Snow Anaconda Hognose For Sale
- $650.00
- Hognose Snake Color Variations The Snow Anaconda Hognose snake is one of many western hognose morphs that are available in captivity. They are a beautiful variation of this species that features a light colored body with darker markings. Hognose Snake Patterns and Colors A normal western hognose is sandy-colored with parallel rows of darker spots or bars running down their…
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- Iguanas, Lizards
Snow Iguana For Sale
- $600.00
- A very unique iguana, the Snow Iguana is a white iguana that has been developed by crossing a blue iguana with a T- albino. This breed has a complete white body, including their eyes and scales. Snow Iguana are great pets that can live to be over 25 years old in the right care. They are omnivores and eat plant…
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- Crested Gecko, Geckos, Lizards
Snowflake Nu Ana Leachianus Gecko For Sale
- $349.99
- WE HAVE SNOWFLAKE NU ANA LEACHIANUS GECKO FOR SALE. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS: Rhacodactylus leachianus Captive Bred Baby Approximately 3 Inches From Snout To Vent Adults Can Grow Upwards Of 12 – 14 Inches From Head To Tail Feeding On Pangea Crested Gecko Diet And Crickets
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- Green Tree Pythons, Snakes
Sorong Green Tree Python For Sale
- $649.99
- SORONG GREEN TREE PYTHON When discussing localities and race that belong to Green Tree Pythons, it is crucial to take into consideration the geographical barriers that exist in the area. In the Papua New Guinea mainland is divided into small pockets made up of Chondro habitats by the central mountain range, which is at a minimum impedes the interbreeding between…
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- Pythons, Snakes
Southern White Lipped Python For Sale
- $1,150.00
- The Southern White Lipped Python (Leiopython albertisii) is a native of the dense, lush forests of Papua New Guinea. The natural habitat that is home to the white-lipped python is comprised of trees, logs, along with leaf litter as well as streams and rivers which provide drinking water sources. White lipped pythons are terrestrial species, which means that they live upon…
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